Communion Services are celebrated 9:30 am Sundays by the Reverend Fr. Greg Koon. Also, Sunday School on Saturday each 2nd & 4th Saturdays at 10:00 am.
Call 352-205-8567 to confirm time and dates.
The America-based Anglican Province of Christ the King (APCK) follows the teachings of Jesus Christ and celebrates historic Christianity in the Anglican tradition. Our beliefs are based on the Bible and the time-honored creeds of the Church.
We uphold family values and New Testament morality. We use the 1928 Book of Common Prayer (BCP), the 1940 Hymnal and theKing James Version (KJV) of the Bible for our worship services. We follow the Anglican Ordo Kalendar.
With Jesus Christ and His sacrament of Holy Communion at our core, we worship God and preach the Gospel in the beauty and ordered dignity of a Christ-centered service. We are a sacramental church. We believe that God uses the waters of Holy Baptism, and in the bread and wine of the Holy Eucharist, to work through each of us as His Body, the Church.
We welcome you to worship with us. The Anglican Province of Christ the King is a body of apostolic churches celebrating historic Christianity in the Anglican tradition. We worship God with all our hearts, our souls, our minds, and our bodies, in the beauty and ordered dignity of a Christ-centered service.
Standing at the entrance to the nave, our eyes are drawn to the altar, for here the Real Presence of Christ is reserved, signified by a lit candle or sanctuary lamp. Just as God humbled himself to enter our world as a helpless infant, He re-enters today as consecrated bread and wine to become His body and blood in the Eucharist.
Our altar recalls the first Christian altars when, in the early years of persecution, Christians worshiped in dark catacombs under the city of Rome. On stone slabs over martyrs’ tombs, they celebrated the Eucharist, candles providing the only light. Our candles today remind us of that time, and that the light of Christ could not and will not be extinguished by the darkness.
As we walk down the central aisle we recall our journey through life, from the baptismal font (our beginnings) to the Altar (our union with Christ). When entering the pew, we genuflect in the aisle before the Blessed Sacrament, then kneel and offer thanksgiving for the people of the parish, the clergy, and the freedom to worship. This is a time of silent preparation before Mass.
The congregation participates in the Divine Liturgy by following the service in the 1928 Book of Common Prayer and referring to the Sunday bulletin for the proper lessons and Hymns for the day. The poetic language of our liturgy dates to the sixteenth century, but the Eucharist itself, instituted by Christ, follows the form of even earlier services. Many prayers and Psalms go back thousands of years.
At the end of the recessional or last hymn we kneel to thank God for his many gifts. At the end of the service, as we leave our pew, we genuflect before the Reserved Sacrament. Our Church has an area dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary where candles may be lit in prayer for her intercession. We do not worship Mary, but ask for her prayers. She is the Theotokos, the God-bearer.
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